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About Me

Hey Friends, My name is Tomer, 40 years old and happily married plus two lovely children. I was born into an agricultural family.

We have been growing for the last 50 years orchards of avocados, oranges, grapefruit, and lemons. A decade ago, we also had chicken coops, they lived and grew up freely, and of course, we had eggs that we sold in the markets. It all began with my grandfather, and I remember myself at the age of five already helping out at the farm on school holidays.

At the age of 24, I joined my uncle who set up a wood engraving business. I learned quite a bit of knowledge in agriculture, working tools, and today after more than 20 years of experience, I am happy to help anyone who asks. I hope you like my blog and get all the information you need.

In the blog, I intend to give information on how to choose the right gardening product, how to install products, how to fix them, and of course, I will make reviews on products that are sold on the market.

I would love you to leave a message for any help, comment or feedback of course.

You can contact me by email

Many thanks and good luck!

irrigation supplies store -about me

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