Perfect You’re soaker hose Timing For Trees
How Long to Run Soaker Hose For Trees? Run your soaker hose for an hour twice a week, or at least until the water penetrates 6″ or 8″ inch, Try to water before 10 am or after 7 pm during the summer to prevent evaporation.
You want the water to penetrate down the full depth of the root.
Insert a finger or use the screwdriver to check the soil.
If you want to know the best time to water your lawn, read this article.
Try to figure out the length and depth of the water, then adjust the irrigation until you are satisfied.
A Pressure Regulator can improve efficiency and increases the life of soaker hoses.

Water Pressure Regulator for a soaker hose
Important tip – It’s best to let the water soak down and the soil dries out to a depth of a few inches. That way, roots have to grow down to reach the water, and in the future, your root systems will grow longer and stronger. |
How Often Should You Run Soaker Hose For Trees?
As I mentioned, start running your soaker hose for an hour twice a week.
For determining how often to water your trees, you need to be familiar with your garden.
It depends on the weather and your soil. You will have to do some testing.
After a watering day, check your soil to see if the moisture has penetrated several inches, then adjust accordingly, Test it again the next day and see if anything has changed. If you’ll find that the soil is dry, water the tree again. Leave the soaker hose running for 45-60 minutes.
If the soil is moist, check how many days it takes for the soil to dry out again. Once it’s dry, then it’s okay to water.
When you find out how long you should water your trees, use a timer to water the same number of minutes every time.

Timer for a soaker hose
If you want to know, How long to run a soaker hose for shrubs, flowers and other areas in your garden, click here.
It’s best to water deep and infrequently. With shallow watering, the roots stay near the surface instead of growing deep in the ground where additional moisture may be found as well as nutrients/minerals.
Of course, the amount and frequency of daily irrigation also depend on the season and will change accordingly.
How do you use a soaker hose for a tree?
Lay the hose on the soil around the tree, encircle a tree with a soaker hose, or loop the hose around between the trees in a spiral configuration, close to the root.
Turn the water on, until you see drops of water on the surface of the hose.
Generally, a soaker hose shouldn’t be larger than 25 feet in length for the best irrigation.
If it’s a mature tree, going out 2-3 feet from the trunk is a good diameter. If you have a young tree, you can lay the soaker hose much closer to the trunk, like 6-12 inches. Avoid putting it directly against the trunk, because it can bring diseases.
Are You Supposed To Bury Soaker Hoses?
You can bury your soaker hose especially if you have a tree with deep roots, but sometimes it is better not to do it, so you can see better if there is a problem with your hose.
From my experience, the trees seem to benefit the same if it is laying on the soil or buried.
Can You Water a Tree Too Much?
Water only when it’s needed.
Too much water is bad for our trees. the soil becomes waterlogged and stays that way, It can lead to root rot or other diseases.
It’s easy to check the soil to see if your trees need watering. Feel the soil surface with your fingertip, if it’s moist, don’t water. Even if the surface is dry, take a shovel and dig down 6 inches to look for moist soil.
Here are a few signs to know if your plants happen to suffer from overwatering.
Wet and Wilting
If your tree is green, well-watered and still suffering, you probably overwatered.
Brown Leaves on your tree
If the tree leaves turn brown and wilt, there is the chance that you have been overwatering.
Yellow Falling Leaves
If your tree has yellowing leaves and new growth falling, you probably overwatering.
Root Rot
tree root rot is a fungal disease that will cause the roots to turn grey, brown or slimy and will eventually cause the tree to die.
Another sign that your tree has been overwatered is edema.
How to Fix an Overwatering Tree
If you’ve watered the tree too much, don’t be stressed, there are still some actions you can take to help the tree recover.
Shake the tree branches to verify that the tree is still alive. A dead tree has branches that break off easily, and no evidence of new growth.
Remove soil around the tree so there is no more than an inch of soil covering the tree’s roots. When trees are planted too deeply, you can see over watering signs. Clear the weeds around the tree, and cover the soil with a 3- to 4- inch layer of mulch to promote water and air circulation in the roots, keep the mulch at least 6 inches from the trunk of the tree. add organic material into the soil to improve drainage if your soil tends toward clay.
Monitor the tree watering, and turn off the soaker hose when the soil feels moist.
Water the tree according to the directions for your particular species. between watering, Wait for the soil around the tree to dry completely.
Is Soaker Hose Good For a Newly Planted Tree?
The answer is yes, the best watering system for a newly planted tree is soaker or drip
hose. The soaker hose needs to be placed in circles around the root zone of the tree. you can plant a new tree and watered with a soaker hose for a few weeks while it got established. 1-2 hours until you saturate the area.
Which Soaker Hose is Best?
Of course, this is not an easy question, and the best way to answer it is to do research.
Research the net for soaker hose that has quite a few reviews, next, narrow down the ones with the highest reviews, and read what costumers are saying about it.
Further, you should always ask the local shop owner or neighbor or friend who has the experience and can recommend one.
Still, I did some research and these are the three best Soaker hoses I found, for your convince I put links to Amazon, and you can check them by yourself.
I wrote a great guide, how to make a soaker hose diy from an old garden hose if you don’t want to purchase one.
Are soaker hoses good for trees?
Yes, soaker hoses are great for trees, and it’s very efficient to water trees with the soaker hoses because they’re porous and release water slowly.

Soaker hose water slowly
Still, you have to check the irrigation, because sometimes the soaker hoses may water a little unevenly.
One tree may get two or three times as much water as the tree next to him.
Therefore, you must test the irrigation and see that you placed it effectively.
Can You Leave Soaker Hose Out in The Winter?
The Winter Soaker Hose Dilemma
There are two different approaches about what to do with the soaker hose in the wither
The first approach – soaker hoses can be left out over the winter.
Winterize soaker hoses by leaving them in place. They need to be covered or buried by mulch or soil. These materials act as insulators against the cold.
Run water through the hose one last time for a few minutes. The water should run entirely from the hose for the best winterization.
Disconnecting the Soaker Hose From the Source, remove the hose coupling from its spigot.
Mark the hose ends with rocks or other indicators so you can find them after winter.
The second approach With soaker hoses – Even if you drained the water, the hose may be filled with rainwater because of the holes. As a result, the hose can burst. pick the soaker hoses from the garden soil, drain them and put them in your garage for the winter.
How many gallons per hour does a soaker hose use?
Soaker hose flow rate depends on a few different things:
Length of the hose.
The diameter of the hose.
Water pressure.
My tests have indicated that the flow rate of water out the soaker hose is about 6 gallons per foot-of-hose per hour. So, a 25-foot soaker hose would apply about 15 gallons of water per hour.
All of these three factors will have an effect on how much water is delivered from your soaker hose. hoses with a smaller diameter decrease the amount of water that delivered to your garden.
How Long to Run Soaker Hose For Trees Summary
In summary, when you purchase a soaker hose, and after you have placed it properly around the tree, start with an hour’s watering, check the next day if the soil is dry a few inches deep if dry, water again for an hour and in the next day check again.
If it is moist, keep checking every day until it is dry, so you will know what is the gap between the days.
For most trees, twice a week with watering for an hour should do the job.
Remember that seasons change, and irrigation needs to be adjusted.
If you run into problems read the article again, it summarizes most of the common solutions.
If you have any additional questions or would like to add something from your experience, please write me a comment below. Thank you!
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July 25, 2022
Your arithmetic on gallons of water delivered per hour, per soaker hose length, seems to possibly be faulty. The question is, which number is off in your calculation, because surely Six gallons per foot of a 25′ hose running for an hour wouldn’t deliver just 15 gallons, would it? I’d be very interested to know what the actual amount would be since I’m just about to begin soaking my very mature trees in the midst of a drought and heat wave.
Brenna Milburn
February 15, 2023
To the owner, Thanks for the well-structured and well-presented post!
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