herbal remedies solution – Suffers from a medical problem and you do not want to put chemicals into your body.
Instead, you are looking for natural medicine, like Herbal remedies that will both help and healthy for the body.
In the article, you will find quite a few ideas for a natural and effective treatment for your medical problem with Herbal Remedies.
Table of Contents
list of Medical Problems and their herbal remedies solutions
Which herbs are for healing?
Once, the fresh herbs had a permanent presence in every self-respecting kitchen. Except for aroma and special taste, the grandmothers knew how to make all sorts of miraculous potions against different sensations.
In the fast-food generation, they have almost been abandoned, until recent studies have shown what they already knew.
These herbs are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, anti-bacterial substances, and substances that increase the immune system’s activity.
Because of these components, they help reduce the risk of diseases such as cancer, heart, stroke, cataracts, retinal degeneration, diabetes, and even dementia.
In addition, the use of herbs reduces the use of salt and high-sodium seasoning powders, which is especially important for people suffering from high blood pressure.
Every herb and its virtue.
It is recommended to use different herbs since each plant contains a unique combination of ingredients that make good for our body.
your menu should be included herbs, Eat them fresh. Thus how you will gain a higher level of antioxidants.
here is a list of herbs and their healing Characteristics:
Rich in antioxidants, a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and fibers. Help prevent fungal infections, improve digestion, and relieve a cough. It has an anti-cancer effect due to flavonoid phytochemicals.
In Chinese medicine, it is used to relieve fever, diarrhea, and jaundice.
Tip: Do you cough or have digestive problems? Cook 5 fresh oregano leaves in boiling water for 10 minutes and drink.
It contains a large number of antioxidants and phytochemicals with antibacterial activity.
In the past, it was used to stop the production of breast milk.
Treatment Tip: Do you suffer from a sore throat or gums? Melt sage leaves, or brew 4-5-4 leaves in a glass of boiling water, and rinse your mouth when you delay the liquid as much as possible.
It contains a large number of antioxidants and antibacterial ingredients.
Patients who received large doses significantly improved their cognitive ability and became more relaxed.
Melissa also increases the activity of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter in the brain associated with memory and learning.
Treatment Tip: Do you feel that the herpes lesion starts to appear above your lips? Prepare 5 ml Melissa leaves in a glass of boiling water. Cooled. Dip a little cotton wool and absorb the wound several times a day.
Rich in vitamin C (about 40% of the recommended daily allowance of 100 grams), fiber and iron. With high antioxidant capacity.
Studies have shown that it may contribute to reducing cancer risk and relieving asthma sufferers.
In addition, a large clinical study of mint oil (combined with the plant) found it had a calming effect on gastrointestinal pain.
Treatment tip: suffer from high fever? Sweating? According to Chinese medicine, mint is a cooling plant. Pour 5 leaves in boiling water, cool and drink.
It contains salicylates, natural herbal anti-inflammatory agents similar to aspirin and phytoestrogens.
Very rich in vitamins (C, A and B vitamins), minerals (mainly iron) and fiber.
It contains thymol, a plant component with anti-bacterial and antiseptic activity.
Treatment tip: coughing? Brew ten thyme leaves in a glass of boiling water, and drink the scalding three times a day.
Rich in lutein pigment, whose antioxidant activity is especially important for eye health.
It contains antibacterial and vitamin-rich substances, especially vitamin K essential for the blood clotting process (deficiency associated with osteoporosis, arteriosclerosis and heart disease).
It was also found that basil helps control blood sugar levels in diabetics.
Treatment Tip: Are you stung or is the scratching driving you out of your mind? Place a basil leaf into the stimulated area.
Rich in potassium. It contains flavonoids and their trimmings. Flavonoids work as antioxidants, and lemons help reduce the risk of certain cancers.
American research has found tarragon contains 6 components known to reduce blood pressure.
Treatment tip: suffer from lack of appetite? Add tarragon to food. He’ll make you open your mouth.
Rich in antioxidants called carotenoids, which contribute to reducing the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease, and lutein, which helps to maintain eye health. It also contains quercetin, which acts as an anti-inflammatory.
It is also a rich source of potassium, beta-carotene and folic acid.
Treatment Tip: Abdominal Pain? Sprinkle a teaspoon of coriander seeds in a glass of boiling water and drink.
It contains a high amount of antioxidants.
In folk medicine, the Louisa was used to treat gastrointestinal disorders, throat infections, and urinary tract infections.
Treatment tip: suffer from insomnia? Sprinkle 4 Louisa
leaves in boiling water and drink before bedtime.
It is a rich source of vitamins, especially K (100 grams of parsley has 1,562 percent of the adult recommended daily allowance) and vitamin C (166 percent per 100 grams), which helps reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, cancer, and diabetes complications.
Also parsley rich in potassium and magnesium. Potassium contributes to its changing properties (which is good against fluid retention), and both help reduces the risk of high blood pressure.
It is also rich in lutein, and it contains phytochemicals that block a variety of hormonal activities related to cancer.
Treatment Tip: Do you suffer from edema? Sprinkle a few parsley stalks in boiling water for 10 minutes and drink. The scalding will result in increased urination. Important: Drink 2-1 cups of infusion a day to prevent dehydration.
It contains vitamins (A, C, B, and K) and minerals (iron, potassium, zinc, and magnesium), sulfur compounds and antioxidants quercetin and alizarin.
The last one helps in delaying the development of various cancers and lowering cholesterol and blood pressure.
Treatment tip: Your cholesterol in the sky? Add fresh chives to your food.
It contains antioxidants that help improve cognitive functioning.
The use of Rosemary encourages the activity of acetylcholine.
Because of its antibacterial properties, rosemary has also been used to preserve food and treat asthma, allergies and hair loss.
Rosemary tea is used to increase perspiration and as a strengthening material and blocks bleeding in the wound.
Treatment Tip: Cooled? Suffer from a headache/stomach? Sprinkle 5-7 rosemary leaves in a glass of boiling water, sweeten with honey, rest for about 3 minutes and drink.
It contains substances known to inhibit tumor development and have cancer-preventing properties. Vitamin C (106% of the daily recommended daily dose of 100 grams) and minerals, mainly iron (83% of the recommended daily allowance of 100 grams).
Treatment Tip: Do you suffer from excess gas and/or swollen stomach? Make the brew from a stalk of dill in a glass of boiling water, cool and drink.
Herbs good for skin
Everyone wants to achieve a radiant, beautiful and perfect skin. We often go about it incorrectly and apply harmful synthetic chemical products that eventually cause more damage.
If you want to make a real and lasting change for your skin, choose natural alternatives such as these magical herbal agents.
Here is a list of herbs that are good for different skin types:
Herbal Skin Care Safety Considerations
Before you try to use herbs for your skin care regimen, you need to know that herbs can affect your skin in a negative or positive way. Like any skincare product, herbs can cause pleasant, healthy, clear skin, or rashes, itching and other problems.
You should always do a skin test before using any type of herbal product on your face. Take a dab of any herbal product you have and rub it on your arm. Wait a day and see if rash, itching or redness appears. If so, you can be allergic and should not use the herb product.
Herbs, even used topically, can also interfere with other medications. It is important that you discuss all the treatment regimens with your attending physician, a licensed dermatologist, or a person with special knowledge of herbs – like a holistic herbalist.
Herbs for Oily Skin
Basil: This popular culinary herb is also a natural antibacterial that is good for treating acne.
Dandelion: This herb is also a natural anti-microbial anti-fungal herb that is useful for the treatment of acne.
Lavender: Lavender relaxes the skin and also is beneficial in the treatment of acne.
Neem: is a natural astringent, but also antibacterial, making it useful in treating skin problems.
Rosemary: Rosemary is a natural astringent that helps oily skin.
Herbs for sensitive skin
Borage: Borage is moisturizing.
Lady’s mantle: This herb helps prevent skin from sagging.
Lavender: Lavender calms the skin.
Nettles: Infusion of nettles can be used to soothe cracked skin. Nettles are also good in a steam facial.
Lemon balm: This plant is good for all skin types.
Herbs for Dry Skin
Aloe: Aloe is very well known for its healing ability. It is an excellent moisturizer as well.
Borage: Borage is moisturizing and is thought to be a natural alpha-hydroxy.
Lady’s mantle: This herb helps prevent skin from sagging.
Marshmallow: This plant is quite useful in irritating, dry skin.
Melissa: Also known as lemon balm, this herb is good for all skin types and helps soothe irritation.
Clary-sage: This anti-aging herb also reduces puffiness.
How to Use Herbs for Healthier Skin
There are many ways to use fragrant herbs for healthy skin. You can buy products with herbs already in them, or use terry, powder, or dried herbs at home. You can make herbal salves. or take herbal supplements, or drink herbal teas. However, of all herbal applications, most herb specialists believe that fresh herbs hold the most health benefits.
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How to make a natural face mask for the skin
In the picture, there is a low price product that I recommend, natural, and safe for your skin.
read the reviews and see why people are very pleased with him.
In addition, there is a very recommended book, instead of running to the Internet:
101 Easy Homemade Products for Your Skin by Jen barry
Click on the image to check the price and reviews
herbal remedies to help hair grow faster
Hair loss is a problem we all face, at some point, unfortunately, it reaches everyone
Here is a list of herbs to help your hair grow faster:
Rosemary oil nourishes hair follicles, promotes blood flow in the scalp, strengthens hair, and reduces thinning and balding hair.
You Will Need
5-10 drops Rosemary Essential Oil
2-3 tbsp Carrier Oil
Processing Time
45 minutes
In a bowl, combine the rosemary essential oil with a carrier oil (such as coconut, olive, almond, or jojoba) of your choice.
Massage this oil blend into your scalp and work it through your hair.
Massage your scalp for 10 minutes
Leave the oil in your hair for an additional 30 minutes and then rinse it out with a mild shampoo.
How Often?
Repeat this thrice a week.
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera has been traditionally used in India and Egypt for the treatment of hair loss.
the Aloe Vera gel is rich in antioxidants like vitamin E.
You Will Need
2 tbsp Aloe Vera Gel
Processing Time
2 hours
1. Slice the Aloe Vera stem and scoop out 2 tablespoons of gel.
2. Apply the extracted gel to your scalp and gently massage it for a couple of minutes.
3. Leave the gel in your hair for 2 hours and then wash it off using a mild shampoo.
How Often?
Repeat this twice a week.
Ginseng is a great herb for stimulating hair growth.
it is a popular Chinese herb that has been used for many years because it is known for its stimulating effects on the brain and nervous system. So good is ginseng for hair growth, that you will find this ingredient in many shampoos and hair tonics.
You Will Need
2-3 tbsp Ginseng Infused Oil
Processing Time
45 minutes
Pour three tablespoons of the Ginseng infused oil into a bowl.
Section your hair and start massaging the oil into your scalp.
Work the oil into your hair until the whole length of it is covered.
Massage your scalp for 10 minutes.
Leave the oil in your hair for an additional 30 minutes and then rinse it out with a mild shampoo.
How Often?
Repeat this thrice a week.
Sage has antiseptic and astringent benefits for the hair. Regular use of the herb results in thicker and stronger hair
You Will Need
2 tbsp Dried Sage Leaves
2 cups Water
Processing Time
5 mints
Boil the dried sage leaves in 2 cups of water for 10 minutes. Set this aside to cool.
Once the solution has cooled down, strain the liquid into a jug.
Wash your hair with a mild shampoo and then pour the sage-infused water through it as a final rinse.
Do not rinse your hair further.
How Often?
Do this after every wash.
Burdock helps to increase blood circulation to the scalp which improves blood flow to the hair follicles on the scalp. It contains a high content of fatty acids needed for the advancement of new hair growth. These fatty acids will actually reverse the thinning of the hair. Soaking burdock in olive oil and rubbing it onto the scalp is also very beneficial.
You Will Need
2 drops Rosemary Essential Oil
2 drops Basil Essential Oil
two drops Lavender Essential Oil
1 tsp Aloe Vera Gel
1 tsp Burdock Oil
Processing Time
2 hours
Mix all the ingredients in a bowl.
Start rubbing the oil blend into your scalp.
Massage your scalp for a few minutes and then leave the oil mixture in for a couple of hours.
Rinse it out with a mild shampoo.
How Often?
Repeat this thrice a week.
known as a fighter against hair loss, treat oily hair, and cure scalp conditions.
It is antibacterial, so it keeps the scalp in good condition for hair growth.
Lemongrass is believed that strengthen hair follicles, which is essential for preventing hair loss.
You Will Need
3 tsp Dried Lemongrass
1 cup Water
Processing Time
5 minutes
Boil the dried lemongrass in 1 cup of water and then let it cool.
Once the solution is cool, strain the liquid and set it aside.
Wash and condition your hair and then proceed to pour the lemongrass water through your hair as a final rinse.
How Often?
Repeat this twice a week.
Saw Palmetto
It is another herb that helps prevent the hormones that cause baldness and hair loss. When you use it with Stinging Nettles, the benefits are greatly improved.
This is a great way to combine a couple of herbs to get amazing results.
You Will Need
10 drops Saw Palmetto Essential Oil
2 tbsp Olive Oil
Processing Time
45 minutes
In a bowl, dilute the Saw Palmetto oil with olive oil.
Start rubbing this oil blend into your scalp and apply it to your hair.
Massage your hair for 10 minutes and then wait with the oil in your hair for 30 minutes.
Wash the oil out of your hair with a mild shampoo.
Optionally, you can eat the saw palmetto fruit to curb your hair loss problem.
How Often?
You can use this Saw Palmetto oil blend 3-4 times a week.
People use peppermint oil for many years for many treatments, including hair loss and hair growth promotion.
especially for two reasons:
One- peppermint is an antiseptic, so it kills bacteria on the scalp to help the hair grow.
Two- peppermint helps by stimulating the hair follicles and provides for improved circulation and helps tie the hair roots to the scalp.
You Will Need
3 Tbsp of raw olive oil
3 drops of peppermint essential oil
Processing Time
15 minutes
Wrap your hair in a hot towel
Wash your hair with an organic shampoo
How Often?
Repeat this twice a week.
A final recommendation
If you have thinning hair, and hair loss
There is a product you should try. It is made of herbs
And not expensive at all
Click the pic to check price and view the product and reviews
herbs and spices for weight loss
Herbs and spices are a great way to add flavor to food without extra calories, sugar, sodium, or other junk – a critical thing to do when trying to lose weight. Why? It’s quite simple: Research shows that if you do not like the taste of what you eat, you are much less likely to stick to the same diet no matter how disciplined you are.
Herbs and spices add a significant amount of flavor to the food thanks to a little rosemary, paprika, sea salt, and ground black pepper. in addition, many herbs and spices can really improve metabolism and help your body burn fat faster.
Here are herbs and spices based on scientific testing to help you lose weight:
Like cinnamon, ginger helps control blood sugar levels, which means it can help prevent an increase in sugar levels after a high-sugar or carbohydrate meal. The Ginger also has the same fat-burning properties, or thermogenic, as turmeric and cayenne. Scrape fresh ginger into stir-fried vegetables, over baked fish, or into a fruit or tea salad.
The strong fragrance of this popular culinary herb is known to control appetite and helps settle the cravings.
It also helps to support good digestion and keeps your metabolic rate on track.
drink a cup of mint herbal tea made with 1 teaspoon dried mint leaves or 2 teaspoons fresh mint leaves and boiled in 3/4 cup water for 5 minutes.
It may cause you bad breath, but it also helps to burn belly fat.
It is believed that two to three cloves garlic each morning on an empty stomach with a warm lemon glass helps to improve your blood circulation and furthermore increases your body’s fat-burning abilities.
It turns out that oregano on your pizza can help you lose weight and not just add a delicious flavor to your food.
Fresh oregano herbs contain an active component called carvacrol that is famous for dissolving fat.
It also helps with digestion and reduces bloating. You must add it towards the end of the cooking process to retain its essential oils.
Cumin is the little spice that can help a big deal.
just one teaspoon you add to one meal a day can help you burn up to three times more body fat.
according to a recent study of overweight women. This is good news, especially since cumin is so universal, and it is great to add flavor to almost any food.
Try it in everything from soups, sauces, sauces, dips, sautéed vegetables, marinades, and even pita and other salted pastries.
This classic spice, proven to be able to balance blood sugar, helps curb the passions and emotions of satiety for a longer time. Although you may already be sprinkling some oatmeal cinnamon, you can increase your daily use by mixing the spice with regular yogurt or your favorite fragrant tea (and much more!). Cinnamon also provides a great addition to marinades and spices for meat.
Coriander boosts your metabolism and helps you burn more calories. It’s best to have it on an empty stomach every morning to flush out the toxins, purify your blood and aid digestion.
Try adding it to your smoothie or sprinkle some on your scrambled eggs on the toast.
While many gardeners see the dandelions as a pungent plant, it becomes more popular among chefs and home dishes, as a nourishing way to add flavor to meals and drinks. As it turns out, dandelions also have some weight-loss benefits, and they help reduce swelling while increasing the intake of vitamins like A, C, and E, along with minerals like iron and potassium.
Herbs for depression
For people who have been diagnosed with depression, it is recommended to see natural herbs for depression relief as part of a holistic approach to treating and managing this condition.
There is no specific herbal remedy or herb that can cure depression completely.
The bright side is that through the use of nutrition, herbal medicine, and addressing the cause of depression with professional health care practitioners, there can be a promise of better health, both physically and mentally.
Using medicinal herbs for depression should preferably be done under the guidance of a healthcare professional as many of these herbs need to be evaluated for their interactions with other medication and possible side effects.
here is a list of herbs to help you with depression:
St. John’s Wort
St. John wort is also known as Hypericum perforatum. It is widely used for treating mild to moderate depression and mood disorders. It has been used for hundreds of years to promote mental health, and it is currently prescribed for depression in Europe.
The effects of St. John’s Wort have been validated in clinical research. People with bipolar disorder should not take St. John’s Wort, as it can trigger mania.
Saffron is a spice that comes from a dried part of a crocus, a flower in the iris family. According to a study in the medical review of alternative medicine, taking saffron stigma (end of the carpel, or rod-like stem in flower) has been shown to be effective in treating mild to moderate depression.
Ginseng is found in the gnarled root of the American or Asian ginseng plant. It is used in Chinese medicine for thousands of years.
Siberian or Eleuthero ginsengs are different plants and have different active substances.
This herb is linked to helping improve mental clarity and energy in addition to reducing the effects of stress. These properties can make ginseng particularly beneficial for dealing with low energy and motivation associated with depression.
Like St. John’s Wort, ginseng has been found to trigger mania in people with bipolar disorder.
There may be a link between low levels of folic acid (a synthetic form of folate) and depression. Taking 500 micrograms of folic acid has been linked with improving the effectiveness of other antidepressant medications.
An important way to increase folate levels is to eat foods rich in folate daily. These include avocados, fortified cereals, lentils, dark green leaves, beans, and sunflower seeds.
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Omega-3 fatty acids
Omega 3 fatty acids it’s a healthy fat type, existing in fish such as salmon, sardines, and trout.
They are available in nutritional supplements and sometimes called fish oil capsules(click on it to check price and reviews).
According to the Mayo Clinic, researchers have found that people who have low levels of two brain chemicals found in fish oil supplements may be at an increased risk of depression. It’s ideal to get a higher ratio of DHA to EPA, which are both types of omega-3 fatty acids.
In addition to taking fish oil supplements or nutritional supplements to get omega-3 fatty acids, you can also increase the amount of fish you eat.
Keep in mind that some fish can have high levels of mercury. These include king mackerel, tilefish, swordfish, and shark. Avoid these for the benefit of fish with low levels of mercury, such as canned light tuna, sardines, salmon, and fresh trout.
Talk to your doctor
Although herbs and supplements are effective in treating depression, they aren’t an enough or reliable option when you experience severe depression. Don’t rely only on supplements as a way to pull you through severe depression symptoms. Depression can be a serious disease. Work with your doctor to find a treatment plan that works for you.
Herbs used for flu
I took the time to learn something about natural medicine and the various plants that I have in the garden that can help me through this difficult period.
Before storming the antibiotics and other drugs, get to know the simple and effective herbs that will do you good in the winter and help you with the flu.
The red nose, the snot, the fewer, and the weakness also catch me with the first wave of cold. Like many, I am too got cold and lay in bed with a cup of hot tea and a lot of handkerchief in my nose.
herbs for colds
Thyme- can help with colds and tonsils. It is recommended to prepare thyme leaves with hot tea: Wash the small leaves, put in a cup and pour boiling water.
kiwifruit – contains vitamin C in large quantities and therefore it is recommended to eat kiwi throughout the winter, but do not overdo it.
lemon – It is recommended to cut the lemon into thin slices and suck the lemon juice straight from the fruit. Maybe it’s a bit sour, maybe it’s unpleasant, but the feeling after it is excellent.
Hot tea is always fun to get in the days when we lie in bed cooled and liquid and if you already have tea then you should upgrade to make it a real medicine.
You can make mint tea, sage or Satureja straight from the garden, add one tablespoon of whiskey, arak or brandy and sip the drink. This will give a feeling of some relief with your cold.
And another little tip: anyone who has once smeared Chinese oil under his nose must have felt the sinuses open and the breathing expands.
If you do not have Chinese oil at home, and probably if you are sick you do not have the strength to carry yourself to the pharmacy, I strongly recommend rubbing peppermint leaves under your nose or simply laying them there. They do the job just like Chinese oil.
Other types of teas are recommended for cooling:
-Take an onion and cut it into slices. Place it in a bowl. Add honey and leave it. In the morning, you drink the juice.
-Sage the best plant for all winter ailments. Sage tea with a teaspoon of honey – does wonder.
-Ginger root tea.
In the picture, you can see what my children drink every evening before bedtime. Hot tea with sage, mint, lemon verbena(all from my garden), Lemon with Peel and ginger
Vitamin C- For some reason, it is thought that the role of vitamin C is “only” to help the body overcome a cold or struggle with the flu. Vitamin C (also called ascorbic acid) is one of the most essential vitamins for maintaining health, which participates in more than 300 processes in the human body.
Benefits of Vitamin C
Improving the immune system
Protection of blood vessels
Protecting the heart
Protection of the skin
it is important to know! The level of vitamin C in the body does not accumulate but goes down. To help maintain health, you should consume your vitamin regularly through food sources such as fruits and vegetables, or with high-quality supplements that contain an optimal dose.
but, before you are running to eat fruit and vegetables
you should know that herb contain Quite a bit of vitamin c(even more than fruit and vegetables)
here is a list of herb that contains vitamin c:
thyme – In two tablespoons of thyme, there is 10 percent vitamin C and 5 percent iron from the daily intake required.
It can be used as a fresh spice or add to the cooking of pasta, eggs, soups, fish, and salads.
Lavender – Lavender is a great source of calcium, vitamin A, iron and vitamin C.
Parsley – Parsley contains high amounts of vitamin C, vitamin A, and folic acid.
Also, one hundred grams of parsley can be found in half the amount of iron recommended for daily consumption. Many people are not aware of this, but in one cup of parsley, one can find more calcium than a cup of milk and more than 2 times vitamin C, which can be found in an orange.
coriander – known as a great source of vitamins such as vitamin A and vitamin C which can help you maintain your eye health and strengthen your immune system!
mint – have a very large percentage of vitamin C that contributes to strengthening your immune system and helps prevent diseases and colds.
basil – contain a high amount of vitamin A, vitamin C, and iron.
DILL– have a high amount of vitamins and minerals.
contain – especially in dietary fiber, massive amounts of calcium, lots of iron, vitamin C, and magnesium.
herbs for cough relief
hot tea – You can make hot tea with fresh leaves from the garden like mint, Satureja, lemon or Sage, and add one tablespoon of honey and one spoon of fresh lemon juice.
lemon – One more option to relieve a sore throat or a strong cough is a gurgle of water with lemon juice for a minute or two. This can be repeated several times a day until a cough is weakening.
garlic – For those who lie alone in the house and are not around people who may suffer from the strong smell of garlic, I recommend taking a clove of garlic, wrap it with some bread and swallow. Maybe the smell is unpleasant but you will feel better, especially since research has shown that garlic is the antibiotic of nature.
Those who do not want to chew a clove of garlic can get drops of garlic in the natural stores and drip them into the throat. That’s my recommendation.
Click on the image to check price and reviews
oregano – is better known as a spice for pizzas- but chewing oregano leaves can help to relieve a cough and sore throat. It is recommended to wash the leaves before putting them in the mouth and chew for at least 10 minutes.
how to lower fever naturally
The simplest and most familiar cure for all of us is a Damp cloth on the forehead. I, too, put the damp cloth and felt that the heat was falling and the feeling was improving.
artichoke – Another plant that can help is the artichoke– Unfortunately, this is not the appropriate season (artichoke grows and blooms in the summer), but it turns out that eating an artichoke is effective for lowering a high fever.
Cinnamon– reduces the heat you can drink it with tea or with cream.
remedies to lower blood pressure
If you have high blood pressure, you should know that the consumption of certain herbs may be a good option to reduce blood pressure naturally, without any harmful side effects.
Consider adding these herbal ingredients to your menu so that you can have their wonderful capability of reducing blood pressure.
Garlic is a popular ingredient in many dishes. It is also one of the best herbs for treating high blood pressure. It naturally reduces blood pressure and is effective in maintaining a healthy heart system.
Although it is a little expensive and sometimes hard to find, it is an excellent choice for lowering blood pressure. Studies have found that regular consumption of saffron has a significant improvement in reducing blood pressure.
Ginger is a very popular ingredient in different cultures around the world, and studies have found it to be effective in treating high blood pressure. For best results, use it in dishes or hot tea.
This yellow spice is considered a strong anti-inflammatory, which helps lower cholesterol and reduces the formation of blood clots. Has been found to be very effective in lowering blood pressure, especially among people with autoimmune diseases. Add the spice to the menu or consume as a regular dietary supplement.
Olive leaves
Olive leaves are used in their fresh or dried form (as a scalding or essence) to strengthen and improve cardiovascular activity. The active ingredient in olive oil is oleuropein, an alanolic acid known to provide protection for the heart. In addition, they contain flavonoids that maintain normal heart activity by expanding blood vessels.
Basil is a delicious herb and it goes well with a variety of foods. It may also help lower blood pressure.
Extract of basil has been known to lower blood pressure.
Adding fresh basil to your diet is easy and certainly can not hurt. Keep a small pot of herbs in the garden in your kitchen and add the fresh leaves to pasta, soups, salads, and casseroles.
Flax seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which have been found to lower blood pressure significantly. Flax seeds may protect against cardiovascular disease and atherosclerosis by reducing blood cholesterol, improving glucose tolerance, and as antioxidants.
You can buy many products that contain flaxseed, but a better way is to buy flaxseeds or grind it yourself in a coffee grinder and add it to cooked meals in your home. The best part about flax seeds is that you can mix into almost any dish, from soups to shakes to pastries. Store flaxseed in your freezer to maintain optimally.
Seeds of celery
Celery seeds are used in all kinds of food like stews, soups, and other dishes. Celery has long been treating hypertension in China, and studies show that it is effective in lower blood pressure.
The herbs provide the natural, best known and most effective treatment for lowering blood pressure but consult with a professional before taking them on a regular basis.
More herbs and spice to lower blood pressure
Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum)
A recent study found that daily consumption of two grams of cinnamon may reduce high blood pressure with diabetics.
Lavender (Nardostachys jatamamsi)
A plant with antiseptic, strengthening and stimulating properties that improve blood circulation.
A spice used in traditional Chinese medicine to encourage blood circulation.
herbs for arthritis and joint pain
Alternative herbs help cleanse metabolic waste products and toxins from our bodies, and they are a staple of herbal medicines. Alternatives work by supporting the natural cleansing functions of the kidneys, large intestines, increase blood flow and aid lymph drainage. Allowing these wastes and toxins to spread throughout the body causes inflammation, and when the body tries to stop inflammation, it cannot do much in order to support our health. Here are some herbs that help stem inflammation, helps the body in detoxing its efforts. (Note: These herbs are beneficial to anyone with a disease, not just arthritis or other inflammatory conditions).
Turmeric (Curcuma longa)
Turmeric is a very effective anti-inflammatory herb, thus an effective pain reliever. It contains at least two chemicals (curcumin and curcuminoids) which decrease inflammation (and are very much like the oft-prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs). By the way, this anti-inflammatory effect is also the reason why turmeric is often advised to treat cancer, Alzheimer’s and cataracts.
While you can totally add this spice to your daily diet, you will need to take turmeric in supplement form in order to experience the full medicinal benefits. When cooking, try adding dried ginger or black pepper to help activate turmeric.
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is one of the most commonly used herbs in alternative medicine. Known for its healing properties, it’s popular for treating small skin abrasions. You may already have a bottle of aloe vera gel in the medicine cabinet from a past sunburn. This same type of product may be applied topically to soothe aching joints.
Aloe Vera is also available in the whole form from the leaves of the plant. The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) says that oral aloe Vera can cause decreased blood sugar and gastrointestinal side effects, such as diarrhea. Topical Aloe Vera, on the other hand, does not cause any side effects and should be safe to try for arthritis.
Ginger has been used for thousands of years to cure inflammation. It lowers the prostaglandin levels in the body, calming arthritis.
Research has also revealed that ginger can reduce pain and inflammation more effectively than non-steroidal drugs.
Ginger also helps to relieve nausea, menstrual cramps, and headache.
Burdock Root (Arctium lappa or Arctium minus)
One of the greatest things you can do for pain, joint or otherwise, increases your intake of essential fatty acids. Burdock contains fatty oils which (along with its sterols and tannins) contribute to burdock’s reputation as an anti-inflammatory. You can eat burdock root in stir-fries (very popular in Asian cuisine, by the way), make a decoction (To do so: chop 2 tablespoons of fresh burdock root—if you do not have the fresh root available you may use 2 teaspoons of the dried root as an alternative. Add the root to the boiling water and allow simmering for 10 minutes then turn off the heat. Strain and drink while still warm—3-4 cups a day is ideal), or take the herb in capsule form (follow dosage directions, but remember, these are for a 150lb adult—calculate the appropriate dose using your own weight).
Green tea
Green tea is one of the most popular beverages in the world and has been used to reduce inflammation in the body.
it can be used to treat arthritis inflammation in the form of beverages, tablets, or tinctures.
In a 2010 study, the NCCIH found that green tea might help people with osteoarthritis (OA) and RA. But many more studies are still needed to prove the potential benefits of green tea.
Glycyrrhizin, a compound found in licorice, blocks and relieves inflammation. It savages free radicals in the body and inhibits the production of enzymes involved in the inflammatory process.
Licorice root is available at herbal stores in dried, powdered, tablets, capsules, gels, and tincture form.
Flax ( Linum usitatissimum)
Flaxseed is one of the best vegan sources of Omega-3 (ALA), which is so important to a strong immune system and for fighting inflammation (the vegan bit is important because animal fats often lead to inflammation in arthritis sufferers).
Try to include two tablespoons of flaxseeds or flaxseed oil in your daily diet.
Note: do not heat or cook seeds or oil. Also, if you suffer from a digestive condition such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), use the oil rather than the seeds—they could irritate your condition.
Nettles are extremely effective for treating all types of arthritis and gout.
The anti-inflammatory properties of nettle combined with the nutrients present in it, help to ease arthritis pain and build stronger bones.
Nettle is applied to the skin, which gives a stinging effect, overriding arthritis pain.
Nettle leaves are covered with tiny hair, which has high silicon content.
When the leaf touches the skin, the sharp point of the hair enters the skin along with the compounds.
These compounds help to reduce the pain by stimulating their neurons.
Nettle leaf tea relieves and prevents water retention, nourishing the kidneys and adrenals.
Summary for arthritis and joint pain remedies
All in all, aside from herbal protocols, the best treatment for arthritis is a diet filled with fresh produce, essential fatty acids, and fiber (and reducing or eliminating foods that cause an inflammatory response such as fried foods, animal fats, dairy, and anything else which might cause an allergy sensitivity).
Yoga (especially Yin Yoga) and gentle stretching go a long way toward arthritis prevention and pain relief by opening joints and encouraging the distribution of synovial fluid, which lubricates the joints.
Given the increased prevalence of herbal medicine, conventional doctors are more willing to assess the benefits of alternative remedies. When treating arthritis, some of these herbs may complement your current medications. But it’s important to understand that herbs can cause side effects.
The FDA(it’s important to know) does not monitor the quality of purity or dosage and quality of herbs. It is possible to have contaminated products or inactive ingredients, so buy herbal treatments from a reputable source.
Discuss all arthritis treatment options with your doctor and don’t stop taking prescribed medications unless instructed.
herbs and spices for diabetes
Diabetes is a metabolic disease characterized by a high concentration of glucose in the urine and in the blood, so it is significant to keep the food consumed in order not to worsen the situation and improve it.
Fortunately, there are many herbs and spices known for their medicinal properties that help, among other things, fight diabetes, and even prepare a healthy and tasty meal.
So, when you cook your next meal try to combine some herbs and spices in the list below:
has a very important medicinal quality, It can help to control blood sugar levels in diabetics, so it is recommended to use it frequently to spice different foods. The basil combines beautifully with salads, soups, and pesto.
Blueberries contain antioxidants to fight diabetes, its called an anthocyanin pigment because it makes the heart stronger and lowers the risk of inflammation and accumulation of lipids.
Studies show that daily consumption of fresh blueberries in large amounts reduces signs of inflammation and improves glucose tolerance in people with metabolic syndrome (which may cause type 2 diabetes).
The fruit can be eaten raw or cooked, and it can also be dried, with its sweet-sour taste being considered a delicacy and is therefore used to make jams, liqueurs, and syrups.
Chamomile is a fragrant herb used to make infusions as well as medicinal herbs.
it reduces blood sugar and prevents complications in diabetics by helping the digestion process and helps to clean blood from excess sugar. Furthermore, after a long, the best thing is a cup of hot chamomile tea, which inspires both physical and mental.
Cinnamon is used for preparing pastries and stews when its inner shell is used as a spice, both in its natural form as sticks and as a powder.
Studies have shown that cinnamon is effective in lowering blood sugar levels in healthy people and in people with type 2 diabetes, but other studies have found that cinnamon does not affect A1C levels so the findings are inconclusive. What’s more, cinnamon has a beneficial effect on weight loss because it helps lower cholesterol and speeds up metabolism.
It is recommended to combine the cinnamon with beans, brown rice, lentils or meat dishes, and of course, there is no need to add sugar.
The cumin has a unique and very strong taste and it blends well with red dishes or simple brown rice.
Cumin lowers blood sugar and cholesterol, which can be very beneficial for diabetics.
Originally comes from Southwest and Central Asia and is also found in Israel.
Dill is known for his ability to increase milk production in pregnant women, but his medicinal properties can also be used to treat diabetes.
Researchers have found more than 50 different chemicals in Shamir that help fight diabetes, so it is important to consume it frequently.
The dill blends perfectly with fish, cheese, eggs or mushrooms.
Fennel recommended using his leaves for dishes and salads, fennel has a delicate anise taste, with its leaves and seeds containing antioxidants and fiber that help reduce blood cholesterol.
In addition, the fennel lowers blood pressure because of the high amount of potassium in it, which helps to remove the amount of sodium from the body through the urine.
In India it is customary to chew the seeds of the fennel after a meal to clean the teeth and freshen the breath and is considered an excellent cough Suppresses, making it a natural treatment for a common problem in diabetics.
Garlic is used as an excellent spice and also for medical purposes all over the world because garlic is very effective against infections and inflammations and contains allicin, sulfur, vitamin B1, vitamin B3, fluorine, and others.
Also, known to lower levels of sugars and fats in the blood, strengthen the heart and its ability to prevent the development of cancer cells.
In fact, almost any vegetable or dish that is added with garlic and olive oil becomes delicious, but it is important to remember that it is better to consume fresh garlic and not dry.
Ginger has a spicy and refreshing taste, it’s mainly used is for seasoning in a variety of dishes containing chicken, meat, and vegetarian dishes.
it is a perfect seasoning supplement for fighting diabetes and high blood fats because it attacks diabetes from several directions and even helps in weight loss. furthermore, in a study in 2014, result shown that people who consumed 3 grams of dry ginger powder for 30 days experienced meaningful improvements in cholesterol and blood glucose levels and other important measures.
Those who do not like the taste of ginger in the food can try to cut a piece of fresh ginger and put it in the cup of tea.
Sage contains antioxidants proven to be beneficial in the fight against diabetes and is a source of essential fatty acids.
The strong taste of the sage goes beautifully with dishes and also fits as a relaxing addition to the cup of tea. Additionally, sage tea with honey helps against colds and other winter illnesses.
Thyme is a herb plant with aromatic aroma and its amazing taste is suitable for every dish.
The thyme contains about 75 phytochemicals (a generic name for compounds found naturally in plant foods) that are active in fighting diabetes and have proven to be very effective in their activity.
The thyme is rich in iron and is used quite a bit in cooking meat dishes, soups, eggs and more.
Although its dominant flavor is most often not blurs the flavors of additional herbs and can be purchased it is dried or fresh.
Turmeric root is produced with a delicate taste that gives food a golden color.
it is mainly used in powder form, in the fresh form it contains vitamin C, potassium, and antioxidants.
it protects the heart and helps in weight loss.
To test the effect of this wonderful root, a study of 240 people diagnosed with pre-diabetes was divided into two groups:
an experimental group and a control group.
researchers administered turmeric-based capsules to the experimental group every day, while the control group consumed capsules that contained nothing for 9 months.
It was found that many members of the placebo group developed phase 2 diabetes and those in the study group who consumed turmeric did not develop diabetes at all, so it is important to start adding the turmeric regularly.
Herbs for lower cholesterol
Cholesterol is an oily molecule, wrapped in a lipoprotein casing. These lipoproteins are divided into two types, called LDL or “bad” cholesterol, and HDL is known as “good” cholesterol.
Modern medicine offers a variety of drugs to lower cholesterol levels. But many people look for more natural and less invasive solutions.
Eating well and having a balanced diet can lower your cholesterol levels just as effectively.
The diet should be rich in whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, nuts, leafy greens, natural oils, and proteins. In addition, recent studies have found a connection between herbs and lowering cholesterol.
Apart from the taste they add to food, herbs have also been found to be extremely healthy and add value to a healthy diet.
For risk groups, such as pregnant women or people who regularly take chronic medications (such as blood thinners), they should be avoided, or at least consult a doctor before eating.
Spices that are found to be effective in lowering cholesterol are garlic, ginger, and turmeric.
Each has its own specific effects in the combination of total cholesterol reduction.
Many more studies are needed to understand how they work, but their effect appears to be considerable.
Considered to be the best natural healer, it is known for its antibiotic abilities, and as an anti-oxidant.
Garlic also has anti-viral and fungal capabilities and effects.
it also has an effect on LDL levels and can lower blood pressure levels.
By adding garlic to soup, sauces, salads, you can enjoy both the rich spicy taste and the health effects.
It can reduce the accumulation of LDL levels and prevent its accumulation on the blood vessels.
This effect is significant for lowering and reducing atherosclerosis, the main culprit that leads to heart disease and brain events.
Ginger can add flavor to tea and other drinks, as well as to meat dishes and pastries.
Was found to be effective in dissolving blood clots. Turmeric also contains curcumin, which is considered an effective antioxidant that fights free radicals.
Although the quantity of curcumin required for its health-beneficial effects is still under investigation, it can be used in cooking various foods and in preparing cheese, butter, and mustard.
Leaves of artichoke plants blocking the absorption of cholesterol by the body, which will reduce the production of LDL compounds.
One clinical study showed that this plant played an important role in managing mild hypercholesterolemia among overweight subjects after just 8 weeks by increasing their HDL and lower their LDL and overall total cholesterol levels.
Herbs for anxiety
Are you anxious, worried, and scared?
Are you full of worries about money, health, work, family parity?
Your heart beats fast, your breathing superficial and fast, your mind imagines doom and all you want is to relax, fast and now.
How to treat anxiety naturally?
Whether you have a full-blown anxiety disorder or are in a momentary panic attack, you may not want to run to take medication, at least not yet.
There are many “drugs” that are suitable for treating anxiety disorders naturally, including techniques that combine a balance between body and mind, natural plants, and soothing tea infusions.
Some of these techniques work immediately, while others may help you reduce anxiety over time.
The following is a series of natural tips and techniques for treating anxiety.
these tips do not replace consultation with a qualified doctor or therapist:
If you experience a moment of stress or anxiety, drinking chamomile tea may help you relax.
the Tea in the picture is recommended, it relieves stress and anxiety and is anti-inflammatory, and without chemicals.
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Certain compounds found in chamomile (Matricaria recutita) bind to the same receptors in the brain as drugs such as valium.
Chamomile can also be taken as a dietary supplement.
In research conducted in Philadelphia at the University Of Pennsylvania Medical Center, people with a Generalized anxiety disorder who took chamomile supplement for eight weeks, Experienced a significant reduction in anxiety symptoms compared with patients taking a placebo.
L-theanine (or green tea)
Japanese Buddhist monks are able to meditate for hours while maintaining vigilance and relaxation.
One reason could be an amino acid in green tea called L-theanine, says Mark Blumenthal, a member of the American Botanical Council.
Studies have shown that L-theanine helps to balance heart rate and restrain elevated blood pressure, and some studies have even shown it reduces anxiety.
In one study, subjects who were anxious were calmer and more focused on a test, after taking 200 milligrams of L-theanine at the start of the test.
In order to get a large amount of L-theanine from drinking green tea, drink between 5 and 10 cups of green tea.
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Named for the Greek word “honeybee”, lemon balms (Melissa’s official), have been used since the Middle Ages to reduce stress and anxiety, and help for sleeping.
In one study, healthy volunteers who took standard Melissa extract (600 mg) were calmer and more alert than those taking placebo.
Although it is usually safe, it is important to know that some studies have found that too high a dose of Melissa can actually trigger anxiety.
Therefore, it is important to follow the instructions and start with the smallest dose.
Lemon balm (Melissa) is sold in the form of tea, capsules, and a solution. Often combined with other soothing herbs such as hops, chamomile, and valerian.
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Despite the name, this herb will not help you in your love life.
It is a plant with a calming effect; The German government approved him for nervous restlessness.
Some studies have found that this plant has an effect that can reduce the symptoms of anxiety as effectively as prescription drugs.
Passion fruit is also often used for insomnia.
The lavender aroma maybe an “anti-inflammatory” to your feelings.
In one study, patients waiting for a dentist were less anxious when the waiting room was scented with lavender oil.
In another study in Florida, students inhaled the scent of lavender oil before the examination and felt less anxious, although some students reported it made them slightly blurred during the test.
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Omega 3
Fish oil is known to be good for heart health and is also good for protection against depression.
Now, add anxiety to the list of benefits.
In one study, students who took 2.5 milligrams of omega-3 per day for 12 weeks were less anxious before exams than students taking a placebo.
Experts recommend getting Omega 3 mainly from foods and every opportunity there is.
Omega 3 is found in fatty fish that swim in cold water like salmon, and are the best source of omega-3 fatty acids; A small piece of grilled salmon contains about 3.75 grams of Omega 3.
Other options: anchovies, sardines, and clams.
There are herbs that reduce anxiety, without making you sleepy, while others act as a sedative-like Valerian (Valeriana officials).
Valerian helps sleep and insomnia. It contains sedative compounds.
The German government approved the use of this plant to treat sleep problems.
Valerian has a strong and unpleasant smell and therefore most people take it as a capsule or solution, not tea.
If you try it, you have to take it in the evening, and not before you go to work!
Sometimes valerian is combined with other herbs such as hops, chamomile, and Melissa.
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A few more tips to help with anxiety
Hold your breath
Okay, and now exhale … I do not recommend you to hold your breath until it turns blue, but a rhythmic yogic breath has been proven to be effective in reducing stress and anxiety.
In his 2011 bestselling book “The Spontaneous Happiness” by Andrew Weil MD, he introduced a technique of classic yogic breathing which he called breath 4-7-8.
the reason it works is that you can not both breathe deeply and be anxious at the same time.
To do a 4-7-8 breath, exhale all air through your mouth, then take a breath through your nose to the count of four. Stop your breath in the count of seven, and now let it out slowly through your mouth to the count of eight. Repeat at least twice a day.
Eat something, quickly
“Almost universally, people become more anxious and nervous when they are hungry,” says Dr. Ramsey, author of the “Happiness Diet.”
When you get an anxiety attack, it can be a sign that your blood sugar levels are dropping.
The best thing to do is to take a quick snack, like a handful of walnuts, or a piece of dark chocolate, along with a glass of water or a cup of hot tea.
Advice: do not Eat unprocessed food, eat Complete nutrition of vegetables and fruits, carefully choose the meat you eat, add plenty of green leafy vegetables (such as lettuce and spinach) to get folic acid.
Another tip: Eat breakfast
Stop starving yourself! Many people with anxiety disorders skip breakfast.
its recommend that people eat eggs at breakfast, which are a satisfying protein filled with essential ingredients, and are a great natural source of a substance called choline.
Low levels of choline are associated with increased anxiety.
Herbs for sleep
Sleep is essential to human life like eating and breathing. Without proper sleep, the body simply cannot function.
Most of us have suffered from some form of insomnia from time to time in our lives; however, for millions around the world, this nightmare is repeated night after night.
The estimates show that more than 70 million Americans suffer from chronic insomnia, which includes 90 different sleep disorders.
Chronic insomnia can lead to a variety of health complications including obesity, anxiety, depression, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease and more.
Luckily for us, there are great effective herbal supplements and therapies that can be used to assist to bring back balance to the body and promote calm, allowing the body to heal and self-regulate.
The following herbs can help bring you to a place of calmness and balance so that you can rest:
Valerian is a common herb that is given to people who have sleep problems, as it helps with various sleep disorders.
It comes from the Valerian root and is often available as a mixture of Valerian, Chamomile, Lemon Balm, and other herbs that help you sleep.
In addition to insomnia, Valerian can help with anxiety, hypochondria, headaches, and stress.
Passion Flower (Passiflora incarnata)
Passionflower is great for those who tend to wake up often during the night. It is also safe for children and those with impaired health.
Passionflower can be taken in large doses (I usually keep taking it until I feel calm and tired) and for long periods of time.
Try 30-60 drops of the tincture before bed. If you find that’s not enough, you can take that dose up to 4 times a day.
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Chamomile is an additional popular herb to take that will help you sleep.
It will help to relax you, relieves anxiety, and reduces mental stress.
Chamomile provides you with a more calming disposition and can help you relax enough to lie down and sleep when you‘re too excited to sleep.
There have been several studies showing the excellent benefits of chamomile for sleep, also people of all ages can use this herb safely.
Chamomile tea has been commonly used in Mexico, South America, and Europe with no ill effects.
the essential oil can be dropped into your bathwater to help soothe your nerves.
It’s also commonly used as an inhalant or massage oil.
Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia), is a flowering herb in the mint family.
The essential oil from this plant is commonly used for aromatherapy to stimulate relaxation and drowsiness via the sense of smell.
The lavender essential oil can be used effectively as massage oil (10 drops mixed with an ounce of olive oil). A few drops can also be added to the bath before bedtime to promote sleep.
Some people like to even put a drop or two on their pillowcase.
Just be sure that the pillowcase that covers the pillow is not toxic or that the efforts may be useless!
Lavender oil should not be taken orally. Care should also be taken when using it topically with young boys on a frequent basis.
A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine suggests that repeated topical use of products containing lavender oil may cause gynecomastia, a rare condition resulting in enlarged breast tissue.
Lemon Balm
Lemon Balm (Melissa) is a popular herb that has been used for a lot of years. Its existence as a natural remedy dates back to the middle ages.
in addition, Lemon Balm has a citrus smell and is available in a supplement or tea.
It has a natural calming effect on body and mind as well as improved cognitive performance.
Hops (Humulus lupulus)
Hops are a fast-acting nerving and sedative, good for anxiety, hysteria, digestion, and stress-related illness. This herb is completely safe for most of the population (although due to the natural steroids found in hops, pregnant women and children under two years of age should avoid it).
Grab a tea solution or follow the package instructions.
California poppy (Eschscholzia californica)
It is a great herb for insomnia due to restlessness and anxiety (which is safe and gentle enough for children). This herb not only helps you fall asleep but also improves the quality of your sleep.
You can combine it with Valerian if you need a strong sedative.
a tincture is the strongest way to take this herb (any herb, really). Try 30-40 drops twice a day (the second dose is close to sleep time).
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Wild Lettuce
Often used homeopathically for sleep disorder and restlessness, and especially good for kids due to its safety record.
Wild lettuce can be taken as a tincture.
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Herbs for sleep Summary
Sleep Herbs Should Only Be Used Occasionally
It should be noted that herbs based on sleep are for occasional use only. If you are pregnant, consult your practitioner before using any herbs to promote sleep.
If you have chronic issues with insomnia or nighttime waking, it could be from hormonal issues or other health problems that need to be addressed by a physician. Also, note that your mattress can be with toxins material and contribute to poor sleep.
Herbs for fertility
It is no longer a secret that many couples find it difficult to get pregnant. Factors such as stress, pressure, wrong nutrition, and illness may delay pregnancy and even prevent it.
The general recommendation is to eat as much natural as possible and as many plant foods as possible, but you may be surprised to find that certain foods are considered especially recommended in the context of increasing fertility.
Here are some gifts of nature that men and women who are trying to conceive should put into their daily nutrition:
Strawberries, currant, blackberry and red, blueberries, cherries – these colorful little fruits are some of the healthiest treats you can get into your menu.
They are especially rich in antioxidants, which protect the body cells from damage and aging – vital defense infertility. They are considered excellent for sperm count and quality.
True, except for winter berries and cherries in the summer it is difficult to get them fresh, but it is worth visiting the farmers’ markets especially for them and buying them frozen to make them a refreshing and healthy shake.
If you do not consume this special vegetable, the period of attempts to conceive is a good time to make friends with it. Rich in vitamin C and folic acid, the asparagus will improve the fertility of both partners, and in women, in particular, it is considered to promote the proper functioning of the ovaries.
Want a quick and healthy sperm? Walnuts are your new snack. Because they are rich in omega-3 and vitamin E, which are considered to increase sperm quality and function, and are essential for building effective tissue in the uterine cavities and endometrial health.
Do not be alarmed by their high caloric value.
three or four walnuts a day will suffice, and the good fat in them will help you fight bad cholesterol.
Salmon is rich not only in protein but also in omega-3, which functions among other things to prevent inflammatory processes in the body.
Not only that, but recent studies at the University of Illinois, USA indicate that omega-3 also promotes high sperm quality and counts and that omega-3 fatty acids improve the function of reproductive hormones, improve blood flow and even reduce stress.
Vitamin D, protein, and choline – three significant benefits of the egg that they will benefit you after you put it in your daily diet.
Cholines, in particular, can help in the development of the fetus. According to a study done at Cornwall University in England, cholines also help the fetus’s normal development.
This wonderful fruit is rich in vitamins and minerals, good fatty acids, protein, and fiber.
What makes it especially recommended for those trying to conceive is vitamin E, which contributes to the health of the uterine lining, sperm quality and increased chances of becoming pregnant.
Another advantage of avocado – a high level of folic acid – also helps increase the chances of conceiving, and hormone balance in men and women.
The main star here is beta-carotene, which in women increases the production of the hormone progesterone responsible for thickening the lining of the uterus before pregnancy and among men improves sperm count and quality.
Roast it with garlic and spices or add it to the soup, and you will get a healthy treat. Carrots, sweet potatoes, and other orange-red vegetables will also provide you with beta-carotene, but the squash excels in fiber, which promotes detoxification.
Motherwort aerial parts (Leonurus cardiaca)
This herb is highly effective for cramping and improving uterine tone, by reducing uterine muscle spasm. Motherwort is found to stimulate the uterus somewhat while helping the uterus work effectively, which is beneficial in bringing on menstruation.
Nettles (Urtica dioica)
It is one of the most amazing nutrient herbs.due to IS Rich in vitamins, minerals, chlorophyll, iron, and vitamin C, it is often used for anemia and with excessive bleeding.
It’s high vitamin and mineral content supports blood and tissue formation.
Nettle also provides hormonal balance and assistance to the liver. The herb can be used to assist the body in gentle cleansing prior to conception as well as nourishing it for conception.
The purple color of the beets hints at the abundance of antioxidants that inhibit aging processes in the body and is also rich in nitrates, which improve circulation.
Proper blood flow is important for the success of conception because it is the “messenger” that transmits hormones and other important substances throughout the body, including the uterus and the fallopian tubes or testes. Steamed, grilled or shredded salad – do not forget the beets on the side.
Pea is an excellent vegetable source of protein, iron and plenty of vitamins and minerals, but it is on the list mainly thanks to the magic mineral – zinc.
Zinc contributes to improved sperm function and quality and in women, furthermore, it helps to maintain the necessary levels of female hormones estrogen and progesterone.
You can also find zinc in sunflower and pumpkin seeds, but a couple who takes good fats from another source are encouraged to save calories and get the zinc from the green and tasty peas.
Black beans
The richness of black bean fiber regulates blood sugar levels and helps with the polycystic ovarian syndrome and hormone regulation.
Black beans are also an excellent source of vegetable protein, as well as folic acid, magnesium, and iron. Because nutritionists recommend increasing the intake of vegetable protein during pregnancy, you should put it in your pantry and in your body.
Herbs for erectile dysfunction
In the last years, the use of medicinal herbs for impotence treatment has become a popular alternative to the more dangerous pharmaceutical possibility and there are numerous herbs readily available that can help to treat and even cure erectile dysfunction by addressing the underlying causes.
When using medicinal herbs to treat impotence, it should be done under the guidance of a qualified doctor.
The following herbs can help you with erectile dysfunction And restore your confidence:
Their shape resembles the structure of the kidneys. Indeed, the walnuts strengthen the active side of the kidneys. They inject energy into the pelvic, genital, and lower back areas, allowing for improved energy presence in the area.
The cinnamon stick
According to the Chinese, the ability of the cinnamon stick to heat the “fire of life” and to stimulate sexual desire and ability.
Cinnamon is recommended for use in a situation where the person feels a feeling of cold in the lower back, thighs, and pelvis when the cold is accompanied by fatigue and lack of vitality expressed by lack of sexual desire.
Fenugreek for erectile dysfunction
The plant is used mainly as an edible plant in the Yemenite community, but in Chinese medicine, it is used as the main plant for the treatment of diabetes.
According to ancient Chinese medical writings, the plant strengthens the active force in the body and is proven to be effective in treating male fertility problems.
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Chinese Ginseng – Ren Shen
The most well-known plant in Chinese medicinal herbs is called human root.
It is in his ability to strengthen man from the root since the ability of the power and strength of a man is rooted and connected to the creation of a new life.
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Peach pit
It can open blood and energy barriers in the body, especially in the genital area. The nucleus can also help the problems of women around the menstrual cycle. In addition to being in the Chinese pharmacy, it can also be used for home use.
scald a peach kernel for at least an hour in hot water, and drink the bitter scalding three times a day.
Catha edulis(Khat) for erectile dysfunction
Researchers have discovered that a chemical found in the plant of the Catha edulis(Khat)can significantly improve the power of the male sperm!
In a study conducted at King’s College in London.
Researchers were found that a seed that was treated with one of the active ingredients in the Catha edulis(Khat)plant became more fertile, faster and remained fertile for a longer period than a seed in its “natural” state without the addition of the ingredients.
the plant consumed mainly by chewing the fresh leaves.
Herbs for acne
Studies from recent years show that acne is a common occurrence among Western companies, which consume large amounts of simple carbohydrates, fats, sugars, caffeine, and alcohol. Studies comparing Western diets to a diet based on hunting and gathering (meat, vegetables, whole grains, and fish) have shown that companies that adopt this type of diet do not suffer from Acne.
Well, what should we do? First, avoid consuming processed foods and excessive amounts of milk and fats. Second, we must put together a balanced menu, rich in vitamins and minerals to keep the skin.
Here are some herbs that will help you with acne:
Mint is a multipurpose plant and a great cleaning agent. This makes it one of the best remedies for herbal acne. Make a mint face pack by mixing powdered oatmeal (about a tablespoon), yogurt (just enough to make a paste) and finely chopped fresh mint leaves (about a tablespoon). Apply this paste all over your face, neck, and other areas having acne. Leave it for 15 minutes. Wash with lukewarm water and pat dry with a soft towel.
Green Tea
This is an ancient Chinese remedy.
Green tea is combined with honeysuckle and sold throughout Asia as “pimple tea.”
Green tea is high in antioxidants that stop free radicals from damaging the skin and causing hormonal imbalances.
Echinacea is a medicinal herb, and species of it, are available in many parts of the United States.
It is anti-inflammatory and also effective against wrinkles and acne as shown by clinical trials.
It also has properties that help in hydrating the skin.
Echinacea may not be one of the popular herbal remedies for acne because of its alleged use in preventing colds and flu, but clinical evidence points out that it is more effective in dermatology than in curing upper respiratory tract infections.
Use Echinacea tea as a face wash or apply cooled tea bags to a zit prone area to get relief from acne and pimples.
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Burdock Root
Burdock root has a long history of being used as a treatment for acne as well as eczema.
It is known to be a blood purifier and a diuretic, which cleanses the body of acne-causing bacteria.
Studies show that this root has antimicrobial compounds, which reduce inflammation.
consumed Burdock root as a tea Drink three to four cups of tea every day for best results.
Chamomile medical use goes back since ancient Egypt. Today, people consumed chamomile generally as tea or sold as a sedative.
Chamomile tea can be used as a treatment to calm and tone the skin.
This herb also has effects that lighten on the skin, which may lead to the reduced appearance of acne scars.
furthermore, Chamomile also has anti-inflammatory compounds that can go a long way towards improving many skin disorders, including acne.
In fact, Chamomile soothes the skin, you will discover it in many acne treatment products sold commercially today.
There don’t appear to be any side effects of using chamomile.
Apply heat compression to the face, then applying chamomile tea bags to the affected areas seems to be the best method for preventing and treating acne.
Garlic is widely known for its antibacterial properties.
This wonder herb can be used topically without to worry about side effects and permanent scars, especially for acne.
juice of a single clove of garlic can get rid of acne and lighten up scars in just 30 minutes.
To get rid of the smell, wash the face with water and a little lemon juice. Lemon is not strictly a herb but also has properties that will help with your acne.
Tea Tree Oil
This oil, from Australian native trees, is like eucalyptus because it has been used by indigenous people as a remedy for skin problems.
Clinical trials show that tea tree oil is very effective against many types of skin problems including acne.
however, Tea tree oil is toxic when consumed internally. therefore Do not apply this oil to cuts or broken skin.
Test a small area first. If this oil irritates your skin, dilute it with olive oil or jojoba oil.
Studies have shown that tea tree oil is just as effective as benzoyl peroxide in killing bacteria known to cause acne.
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Basil known for its antibacterial properties, is also one of the widely used herbs for the treatment of acne.
Infuse leaves of fresh or dried basil in a glass of boiling water. Cool the water down and use it as a face wash.
in addition, you can also dab the liquid on the affected area and wash after 15 to 20 minutes.
Aloe Vera
There is no list of herbal remedies for acne or herbs to treat acne without Aloe Vera.
It is a great remedy against sunburn and is anti-inflammatory.
It is also soothing and hydrating for the skin.
Directly use the extract from a plant or buy pure aloe extract from your local pharmacy.
Aloe Vera is a great herb for acne scars due to its moisturizing and healing properties.
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Lavender Oil
Does there anything as sweet smell as lavender?
The fact that this herb has antiviral and antibacterial ingredients only makes it more valuable.
The lavender essential oil can help rejuvenate the skin and stimulates the production of new skin cells.
This oil penetrates into the skin to kill the bacteria that cause acne and cysts.
It soothes the skin and relieves pain and inflammation of acne.
Lavender oil might smell nice, but it is a powerful medicine that can irritate the skin if used directly.
Mix lavender oil with olive oil or grapeseed oil before you are using it on the skin.
Herbal remedies solution Summary
People can grow herbs easily or buy them anywhere, they are cheap, healthy, fragrant and very tasty.
Herbs have quite a few medical benefits to take advantage of.
to clarify, even if you’re perfectly healthy, you should still generalize them in your menu
I really tried to put as many solutions as possible, for as many medical problems as possible
It is important to note that no matter how effective the medicine is from the herbs you use, it is not a substitute for a doctor and it is very important to combine and consult with a specialist
If you’re looking for solutions to a medical problem that is not in the article, just write a comment below and I’ll try to get back to you as soon as possible.
If you want to grow the herbs on your own, click here to the herbs guide
You will find answers about how to grow herbs indoors, outdoors, in the water and even near the sea.
for special irrigation supplies sales click here
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