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Low Maintenance Window box Plants For Lazy Gardener

low maintenance window box plants for the lazy gardener – We all want a flowering garden, a garden that is all full of color and everything is full of flowers.low maintenance window box plants for the lazy gardener - We all want a flowering garden, a garden that is all full of color and everything is full of flowers.  But not everyone has the urge to care, and sometimes we are lazy. Some people want a flowering garden that needs little effort, and that’s fine. in this article, you'll find ideas for low maintenance window box plants for the lazy gardener. #lazygardenerplants #lazygardening #windowboxplants #lazygardeners. lazy gardener plants | lazy gardening ideas | window boxes flowers low maintenance.
But not everyone has the urge to care, and sometimes we are lazy.
Some people want a flowering garden that needs little effort, and that’s fine.

If you are looking for vegetable planting ideas in your windowbox, read the guide here

Window box with 4 low maintenance plants

Here is a simple 23-inch window box:

You can put in zigzag 4 plants

4 low maintenance plants

4 low maintenance plants

You can see the alternanthera Versicolor here, one of the most beautiful plants in the world and it has very beautiful flowers, in pink and green maroon and red, all in one plant.

behind it is the gazania, which is like the flowers that open daytime and close at night, it has yellow and Pink flowers and gray leaves.

Upfront there is the colossus, its leaves are crimson pink.

At the back on the left, there is Plectranthus, some claiming to be mosquito repellent.

In summary: So we have a combination of pink and white maroon and green, this is for the lazy gardener.
this windowbox will bloom and beautiful, and the plants are rich. it will give a lot of colors and we will low effort.

What is the minimum maintenance to grow healthy and flowering plants

There are two simple things we need to do to get healthy plants:


How much to water – this will decide by the soil condition, and what the plant looks like, this is why we have a finger to tell us what is the soil condition.
To water well, we need to see the water flowing down from the bottom.

If the soil is dry give water if humid you should wait.


You take a handful of land, once a month, two months, when you have the time to do it, but most importantly, do it.

you need Special soil for the plants, the soil you’ll sprinkle on top, a handful of two. with the hand, I break the top of the soil.
Now the soil is soft because we just planted, but later on, the soil will be dry, and denser with a lot of roots. And with my fingers, I create about 0.8 inches of aeration.

The new soil penetrates thanks to the aeration, and this constantly allows the plants to grow. you produce food for the plant.
give the soil lentil water or rice water, you can see how to easily make an organic Fertilizer in this article.

Low maintenance window box plants for lazy gardener conclusion

It is important to remember that one of the most suitable for low maintenance window box plants for lazy gardeners is, of course, Air Plants.
I prefer to give examples of more flowering plants here, but Air Plants can certainly be a great solution as well.
If you don’t know what is air plants, read my guide here.
If you want to get ideas for decoration with air plants, read here.

This is the way to make a flowering garden with lots of colors effortless.

In summer it can be 3 hours in the sun, in winter it can be all day in the winter sun.
you’ll have a splendor windowbox plants.


Friends If you have any further questions, I’d appreciate it if you share in the comments below.

Good luck!

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